【Heaven&Earth社】【ローゾフィア】 スリープストーン


中古 10010円 (税込)


管理番号 中古 :Z4490968433 発売日 2025/02/06 19:11 定価 10010円 型番 3582772526


"I have been sleeping with the first Rosophia stone we discovered a few years ago, and it has provided me with the best enhance of sleep and dream life of any stone I have ever worked with in this way.
When I hold the Rosophia near my heart in the bed, lying on my side, I feel immediately soothed and comforted.
It is very easy to get to sleep, and my asleep is very deep.
My dreams tend to be more vivid and more pleasant, and I do not have‘bad dreams’ when I use the Rosophia.
My‘sleeping stone’ is also a helpful aid if entering into meditation.
“Perhaps the most amazing phenomenon of sleeping with Rosophia is that I sometimes wake up during the night, and I notice that something is going on between the stone and my heart.
I can feel a pleasant, loving exchange of currents between the stone and my heart.
It feels as if this goes on all night, though my brain knows nothing about it unless I wake up and feel it. I use one every night!"--Robert Simmons

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